My First Infusion of Chemo

I’ve been at the hospital from 10am-5pm today. I met with my Oncologist before my infusion. I had a list of questions for him and was able to get them all answered. I was worried that since my daughter was in utero in 2013, she was exposed to my cancerous cells. I was reassured that she will be (and is) okay.

One of the many side effects with my chemo is nausea. I have four medications to choose from, and the Doctor sorted out which ones to use first. If I wanted, I could take one of each, within a six hour time frame. I am covered!

I was able to choose which chair to have during my infusion; I chose the corner seat with the most sunlight. The first needle prick in my port stung for a minute, like a bee sting (but I’ve never been stung by a bee before). That’s all the pain I had. There were lovely nurses who all have been working as a team for ten years together. Dawne sat with me the whole time; we played a few iPad games (Ticket to Ride & Boogle), talked, laughed and ate lunch.

The nurses said I will be very chatty in the next 48hrs, so if you get a call from me…. just a warning. This is caused by a steroid they gave me. Saturday, on the other hand, I will be at my worst; from a “steroid crash”. Hmmmm, I wonder what that means… Some of you have seen my “worst”, here is another warning.

I’ll tell you all about the pump that’s attached to my port, (that is slowly dispensing medicine in me for the next 48hrs) tomorrow. I am tired, goodnight!

10 thoughts on “My First Infusion of Chemo

  1. I’m sure that you’re already been told about this, but be ready for flavors to change. The doctors didn’t tell my mom that at first (mostly because we were asking a bunch of other questions and the oncologist was sidetracked with those), so it was something of a shock to us both. Nausea is obvious, but its the fact that you don’t know what will taste good and that you lose a lot of your appetite that can really haunt you. Be sure to try anything and everything so that you know what you like and so that you keep eating. You need to keep that strength up! This blog is a wonderful idea, I’m so sorry you are dealing with this, but your spirits seem good, and that is extremely important.

  2. Am so sorry that you’re having to go through this darling. Loved the sound of your nurses though – they sound like party people. xx

  3. Looking very forward to spending Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with you and Harper. Everything is all set on my end 🙂 love you so soooo much, D. XO

  4. “Peace. Love. Joy. I do my best to live this way daily.” ~ Appears you are doing a great job at living up to your word! And yes, Chatty Kathy (alias Diana) do keep us all updated on the games you play with Dawne. I may have to improve my vocab…. Love you little sister, hugs & prayers, Patti Jo

  5. It sounds like we are on the same chemo routine. I only have 4 more treatments. Monday is my first day, come home with port and then go back on Wed to have port removed and get another infusion. I come home Wed, and sleep pretty much until Friday evening. Revive and have a week off, then repeat. They are really good about helping you find medications to help with the side effects. If you start having chemo burn ( the whole intestinal tract feels like it is burned), be sure to ask for the miracle mouthwash. I would have had a few weeks more of relief if I had known to ask for it. It is compounded and includes nystatin, benadryl and hypercortazone, you swish it around in your mouth, gargle and swallow. Hang in there and stay positive!!!

  6. The chemo always made me very tired. You had a long and stressful day but I’m glad your doctor was able to reassure you about your daughter!
    Just for fun I named my pump, since we spent so much time together and it had to go everywhere with me. I named it Lurch, from the Addams Family. 🙂
    Good luck over the next few days. You will be in my prayers.

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